Farm Bill Programs
EQIP is a Farm Bill program managed by the District Conservationist, Soil Conservationist, and CTAI from NRCS.
This program is designed for landowners who want to resolve specific problems with their resources. By enrolling in EQIP, they receive a cost share to implement new vegetative, management, and/or structural practices on their land.
Environmental Quality Incentives Program
CSP is a Farm Bill program managed by the District Conservationist, Soil Conservationist, and CTAI from NRCS.
This program is designed for landowners who want to fortify their sustainable practices that they already have. By enrolling in CSP, they receive a cost share to continue their efforts in preserving the natural resources on their land.
Conservation Stewardship Program
CRP is a Farm Bill program managed by the Farm Bill Biologist and the Farm Service Agency.
This program is designed for landowners who want to transition their low yielding, set aside ground to wildlife/pollinator habitat. By enrolling in CRP, they receive a cost share to promote environmental health and re-establish permanent land cover.