Quincy Outdoor Educational Area

Quincy Community Schools owns and operates this hidden gem of a forest directly south-east of the elementary school. While the trails are used first and foremost for the cross-country team, they are also open to the public for use (be ready to move out of the way if you go during their practice!). Please leave your pets at home as the school district does not allow pets on the property.

Size: 30 acres

Location/Entrance: South-east of Jennings Elementary School in Quincy, Michigan

Parking: Outside of school hours, a free lot is available on East Liberty Street by the Elementary School.

Hours: 24/7

Entry fee: none

Uses: Walking, running, birdwatching

Accessibility: Trails are predominantly flat and wide, but none are paved. There are no railings nor benches available.

Recommended Gear: Close-toed shoes, bug spray, water, compass/phone. After a rainstorm, definitely wear waterproof shoes.