Spicebush (Lindera benzoin)
from $8.00
Bundle size:
Photo credits (used with permission):
1 (close up): Alan Cressler, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (ID#44118)
2: Julie Makin. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (ID#32914)
Origin: native
Growth rate: 1-1.5’ per year
Mature dimensions: 15’ x 12’
Bloom time: March, April, May
Color: yellow/green
Establishment difficulty: low
Shade tolerance: full sun to full shade
Soil type: sandy
Soil moisture: moist, well drained
Uses: Butterfly host, edible, ornamental
Seedling size: 18-24”
Age: 1-0
Pollination required: yes, male and female flowers are on separate plants